I am looking to start my own home-based Internet Business.?
2008-04-11 15:52:51 UTC
I am looking to start my own Home-Based Internet Business. I heard on my current radio station over and over about this Internet Business called ISI. Have anyone heard of this company before? I want to start my own home-based business so I can spend more time with my family.
26 answers:
2008-04-14 03:47:07 UTC
I couldn't find ISI either. So here's a few things that you should take a look at before getting involved in any company.

1. How long have they been in business? We checked to see how long our company was around, at the time it was nine years old and now it's 15. Do you know when they started?

2. Are they registered with the BBB. Ours is registered. I think this is important one.

3. Who's involved with the company? Like in ours Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki has endorsed our company. Check to see if anyone has endorsed this company. Also, meet with the co-founders. We've personally met our co-founders and found from our first meeting that they were incredible people with incredible visions. See if their's a time where you can meet them. If your going to be doing business, there should be a time where you should have the chance to meet with them.

4. What is the compensation plan now, and what was it like before.

See the history of the comp plan and see if increases and never decreases in it's history. We checked with the records in our business and found that in over the years, the compensation plan had only gotten better each year. As long as we've been involved, we've now witnessed the compensation plan always increasing. Check the history on yours.

5.Have they been featured in magazine's? For instance our company has been featured in several magazines Like Success, Fortune, USA Today etc. Check to see if they have. You can get a lot of information on the company by reading about them.

6. Has Inc 500 rated them? This magazine or slit rated our company the 22nd fastest growing company in revenue in it's first 5 years. Inc 500 shows the top 500 businesses in revenue growth. Check to see what Inc 500 rated the company your looking at.

7. Do they have a physical address that you can go to? Check for an address not just a P.O. Box

8. Where are their headquarters? Our world headquarters is in Farmington Hills Michigan, Personally been there, (If your here in the states) Other headquarters in different countries. and US headquarters in Charlotte.

9. What does the start up cost take care of? In my business headquarters takes care of all the billing for my customers, Inventory, Customer services, Order Entry, Employees, workman's comp, Cross referencing, Licensing, Insurance, paperwork, accounts payables, accounts receivables etc.

10. What is the product and service you would be selling.

Is the product and service in high demand? For instance we offer services that people are already using every day and paying for anyway, but at a lower cost. Things like Local and Long distance telephone services, Internet, video phones, digital phones, cellular phones through all the major cellular providers. We make a percentage every single month they pay their bills. Everyone uses them and everyone pays for them. When money gets tight, would they keep your service or be able to run to the store and be able to purchase them on sale? Leaving you to have to wait until they run out of what they just purchased, or wait until their finances get settled? This is what I mean by high demand.

11. Is their any type of training available if you don't know the industry??

So many different things to check out in making sure a business is a good one to get involved in. If the business feels right to you, and all questions are answered with proof, then I'd say jump in. Running a business is different then a job though. You have to treat it like it's your child and not just something your going to "try" you have to believe in the product and service and go at it full force. This is your future your talking about, no one else's.

I hope my examples of what we looking into with our business helps you be able to find the same answers in your business. Forget about asking the common question and asking someone how much they make in their business to determine if you'd get involved in ISI or not. In a business, it doesn't matter what one business is making over another. It only matters what you do in "YOUR" business. I hate it when people ask me how much I make. Because they're not going to walk into and start up their business making what I make. I've been involved with my business for over six years. So yeah, I will make more. If you tell someone how much you make, then it's a psychological thing that they expect to make that amount in a week, and that is just not going to happen. Six years of building a business verses 1 day. So don't even ask. Look at the possibilities for YOURSELF.

Hope this helps!

2016-12-26 03:57:22 UTC
David Hughes B
2008-04-13 11:20:11 UTC
Starting an internet business is not an easy thing to do! If you search the web for internet business opportunity you will find thousands and thousands supposed turnkey business. But after many years working online, I can tell you that almost none of them is truly giving you ALL the assets to be really successful and make some real money.

I have discovered one lately that is just launching but already making some serious buzz over the net! There is more than 1500 ebooks, softwares, videos, audios and services that you can learn from, resell and keep 100% of the profit. To be really successful you need to use leverage and outsourcing that's what is all about internet business.
2008-04-12 07:22:22 UTC
I've not heard of ISI either. My suggestion is identifying your strengths and your passions. Once you identify them then start your search looking for something that parallels your personality. If it's jewelry then look for jewelry, if it a service that provides discounts on everyday purchases then look for that, if health is important to you or those close to you then look for something in that field.

Most people that aren't successful in home based businesses have chosen products or services that they're not passionate about or that it doesn't fit their personality.

It's important that you check out several things regarding companies you align yourself with. Do they take advantage of people? Is their a lot of turnover in people related to the business? How good is their support? How good is their compensation plan? Are they ethical? What differentiates them from someone else? Are the products or services as good as they say they are? Do people that use the products or services have real testimonies of the benefits? Is the product or service unique?

All these things should be considered. I've been involved with several different companies and have been disappointed once I've seen the business for myself. I've recently found two companies that are unique, provide great products and services, and have great compensation plans.

So keep looking and ask around. If you really want to find something you will. If I can be of furher assistance let me know.
Gina C
2008-04-11 17:00:25 UTC
I have not heard of ISI; however, I just started my own home-based internet business with Shaklee. They have a 50 year track record. Join us for a biz op call.

For more information, feel free to email me at
2008-04-11 16:02:58 UTC
Your own HBB should be truly your own, not with some other company. When the company goes out of business or changes its Compensation Plan drastically (and they do both all of the time) where will your business be?

By the way what is this ISI all about? Nothing on ISI as Home based Business. Let me know I will make a brief evaluation for you.
2008-04-12 00:05:44 UTC
Yup im in a home business opportunity right now thats actually earning me a pretty reasonble living. I wont bore you with the sales pitch and all the details but take a look at the link in my signature.

Start Your Own Niche Health Business From

2008-04-12 07:59:28 UTC
You sound exactly like I did a few months back and in searching it was easy to come across all kinds of scams, but eventually I found one that gave me everything you're looking for and more.

I work the hours I want in the comfort of my home without doing direct sales, home demo parties, cold calls or telephone soliciting.

My start up cost was very low because I don't have to carry inventory and the training was free and simple.

If this sounds like what I think you're looking for then please check out the site: and have a look around. If you like what you see then simply fill out the submission form and I'll help you get up and running!

Thanks for spending time at my site and good luck in your endevours!
Bukovanska B
2008-04-14 15:06:49 UTC
Here is the best way to start any kind of internet business: This turnkey system give you more than 1500 products to sell and profit from at 100% of the price, your own websites, your own assistant that makes the sales for you, the marketing system to drive traffic to your site and all the training from the best in online marketing.
2008-04-14 14:59:53 UTC
Here is the best way to start any kind of internet business: This turnkey system give you more than 1500 products to sell and profit from at 100% of the price, your own websites, your own assistant that makes the sales for you, the marketing system to drive traffic to your site and all the training from the best in online marketing.
2016-03-17 05:15:52 UTC
Contact your local small business development center (check your local telephone directory). Many times they are affiliated with a local college or government center. There are steps you need to take and they can help. Good luck!
2008-04-14 18:04:42 UTC
Great opportuniuty for a home based business check it out
2008-04-11 17:49:30 UTC
check out they give you FREE information on how to start your own internet business.
2008-04-15 09:32:13 UTC
Here is great home-based business that you can start right now. Helping people get their credit repaired and you can earn huge profits for that with very little work.
Lee R
2008-04-11 18:27:33 UTC
I highly recommend this free program to all who are SERIOUS about making money online, or any other way for that matter. Money is money and if you are SERIOUS in your desire to get it then read on.

This is something I personally use and I fully endorse this program. It has given me, personally, great hope for the future and I feel that all who are SERIOUS in their quest for a sustainable income online will do well to take serious note of it. You must however be sure to read on, as I am going to speak on some very important points. Some of you will not like what I am about to say…

Internet marketing is hard. This will go against everything you have likely been told about internet marketing but it is true, well sort of at least. What I mean is, it takes a great deal of focus, determination, and consistency. Not all of you will have these things and you will therefore fail.

Having these above attributes boils down to one major quality which you must have, Desire! Without the driving force of desire behind you, you wouldn’t be able to do anything. You wouldn’t eat, sleep, breathe, make love, or anything else. You Must Have The Initial Unwavering Desire!

This is the reason internet marketing is hard. The very nature of internet marketing means that you will need to have focus, determination and consistency. And to keep these levels of Desire high enough to succeed can be very difficult for some. So if you were thinking that making money online was going to be a breeze, in which you could do nothing all day and make millions, then you are sadly mistaken. It is true that it is possible to get to this point, it is proven over and over again by internet marketers, but you must be willing to work to get to this point.

The greatest advice I could ever give you is “Never Give Up, Never Surrender!”

If in your heart of hearts you feel you could achieve success in this field and you are focused enough to stick at it then it is likely if not a certainty that you will succeed. And what’s more, I have the perfect tool for you to use and the perfect foundation for you to build your online business.

I’m not going to talk about the program in too much detail as the program really speaks for itself. What I am trying to do is to take away the glossy cover of internet marketing and give you an idea of what internet marketing is before you go racing off to join in yourself only to find out that it‘s a lot harder than you hoped. I should mention though that the program is free but the information in the program will go into more detail on that as well as many other things.

I would like to say to any experienced marketer who is reading this. You would do well to consider this program as well. It was built to give those with little to no money and little to no experience a chance, but it is equally effective (If not more so) for the experienced of us. If you have a downline or list already, you could simply feed them into this and benefit from the streams of residual income. But you can decide that for yourself. I want to focus my writings here on those of you to whom the words “Downline” and “ Residual Income” means absolutely nothing. Those of you to which internet marketing is but a thought and desire….

When you get started in internet marketing you will no doubt be overwhelmed by the shear mass of information which exists on the subject. And the truth is that if you start to build your business online (Or any business, anywhere) you will be required to adopt a new learning attitude. I mean you will always be required (if you want to stay on top of your game) to learn new things and allow yourself to grow. This can be a very dynamic market, but if you apply some of the basic principles of marketing you will have a big head start on many in this industry. All this information is provided in the program itself. For that matter the program or system or whatever you want to call it, gives you everything you need to get going and it continues to provide support to the members, as I will do for you if or when you join. You have my word that I will be there for all those who take this seriously and are consistent in their efforts. I become successful by helping others become successful.

I would love to go on quite a bit more but I’m honestly not sure if there is a limit to how much I can write here. So I will leave you with this reminder.

“Never Give Up! Never Surrender!

These are the marks of all which achieve their dreams…..

I truly wish you success. Bye for now

Link is below


Please don’t use the email address of this yahoo account to ask questions. If you want to get in touch with me then use this address:
2008-04-11 22:05:51 UTC
are you looking for genuine online job, you can make money online by staying your home, please check for details:
Don P
2008-04-12 15:32:51 UTC
I've never heard of ISI. This is what I do if you are interested in taking a peek: It's great for me; my wife and I work together on our business and both stay home with the kids. Great system in place and the money is great.
Matthew R
2008-04-12 14:10:57 UTC
My wife and I are making good money with Forever Living. We just love the product but then the company started sending us check and instead of buying other stuff we use the money they sent us to buy advertizing and don’t you know we started making more money. We can show you how but you will have to motivate yourself, you have to be your own boss and kick yourself in the but to do your work.

Forever Living Marketing Plan

Forever Living’s Marketing Plan is successful because it is simple; it’s one of the easiest ways to get started in your own business. What’s more, you’ll start with proven, consumable products in an established, growing industry. Once you get started, we supplies the structure and support to help you grow your business to whatever size you want. I will help you for free. its 100% free to join. free every month free to be free LOL. if there charging you its a scam.
2008-04-12 07:34:05 UTC
Dorsey G
2008-04-12 06:55:45 UTC
If you share our vision, please join our exciting team and contribute to developing the largest online business and social networking company in the world.
2008-04-12 00:30:06 UTC
I invite you to my blog so you can get some ideas, hope this helps you.
lorin s
2008-04-11 20:36:28 UTC
before you join this business research this web page first. it has great information and will answer your question.
2008-04-11 16:05:30 UTC
Use this basic checklist to make sure all the important steps are taken before you launch your new venture. This business checklist will make sure that you cross all your t's and dot all your i's before your business launch.

Steps to Starting a Business -

Other sites you might find helpful are:



Small Business Resource -

Business Link -

2008-04-11 16:08:11 UTC
if it is an affiliate company, it is

not a business for you; anyone

can sell anyone else's goods.

find something you want to do

and do it from home; a service

or a product.

fill out a biz plan

visit a community college to guide

you or I can guide you.
2008-04-11 16:12:33 UTC
This one here is a leget and growing company. Concept is great too:
2008-04-11 17:55:26 UTC
I have never heard of them, but if you send Stan the Man some info on them he will let you know what he found out about them. As for a home business that works for my wife and I and allows us to stay home and raise the kids ourselves

read my profile and if interested contact me and I will share our story.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.