OK, so here's the deal. When I checked my mail there was an envelope that said I owe them like 13 cents or something. It was just an envelope that was not sealed and didn't even have my name, address or anything formal about it. I took it up to the post office and they said that was because the mail carrier paid my postage on it or something. She said most people just stick the money in it and leave it in the mailbox. I gave them the few pennies there but it seems kind of suspicious. I mean there was nothing formal about it and it was printed on the envelope (a plain envelope from postal service the "amount due" was written in pencil and circled in pencil) that failure to pay could be a fine of like 300 dollars or something. I mean I didn't get a receipt or anything on it and there was nothing formal about it at all. The woman at the post office said she'd give it to the mail carrier because she was still there. Is this a scam or is this legit? I don't even know what package I was supposedly being charged for. I pay the postage for everything I order when I order it (as everyone does). Shouldn't you get a formal statement if you owe money to the post office or something? How can I know this is legit? Even though it's just a few pennies someone could make serious money off of this if it was truly a scam.