www.itvventures.com/mcghie (copy and paste it in your addressbar)
I am going to be 100% honest with you. And if you don't believe me you can even CALL ME AT HOME and talk to me yourself if you want just email me through my site!!!
I am a full-time mother & manager of a new 4 star hotel in WA getting ready to quit and get this rolling!! Just to add something before you read my story..the job I am about to quit pays me $32 an hour. Also to get into any business you have to pay something if you didn't it wouldn't be legitimate!!! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO MESS with carrying these products, shipping them or even advertising them THEY ALREADY HAVE THERE OWN COMMERCIALS!!! They even create your website and update it everyday for you.
A friend of mine got into itv ventures and tried to get me signed up I told her talk to me when you get your first checks it has been 6 months and I finally signed up because I seen her get 3 checks a month starting at about $200-500 each then this last month $17,065-$3111-$898 OMG why didn't I listen... you can make money 16 different ways in this company. You see the infomercials on tv about natural cures, healthy living, naked minerals (make-up) well you can get into this company..I will sponsor you..you can download the scripts & take the phone calls for those infomercials from ANYWHERE you have access to a phone for an hour 8 hours 2 days..whenever you have the time. OR you can tell your friends, family, strangers about your products and sell them!! OR you can sign people up & make a percentage from them to!! YOU DONT have to do anything you could just sign up n let the people that signup after you make the $ for you!! DID I MENTION you get 50% of whatever you sell on the calls or personally & you get ALL of the products 50% off. INCLUDES ALL THE TRAINING YOU NEED
example: You sell one large make up kit for $180 online you get $90 before you even wake up in the morning!!!! (that happened to me last night) lol
PLEASE go to my website (copy & paste) www.itvventures.com/mcghie
to make sure it is my site on the right hand corner it will say Corrina & Brett!!
My friend and her husband quit there jobs and do nothing but itv and they make thousands.
WIth the new health craze and infomercial and online purchases...now is the time!!! You can see all of my products there infomercials and the entire business opportunity on my site and hey if you want to try the products first just let me know and I will give you a personal discount!!!!!