hi dear ,
I too have said those words.During my first 2 years as a struggling home business entrepreneur dreaming of making money and leading a free lifestyle, I made many mistakes.
Some of those mistakes cost me money...
Others caused me heartache...
But I have also made a handful of good decisions too, and at the top of that list is my decision to become a member of the IAHBE.
The IAHBE (http://www.iahbe.org) stands for International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs. In one sentence, it is simply:
"An Online University with a collection of the best home business information, reports, articles, seminars and other content put under one roof."
Being an exclusive paid membership resource, I was very half-hearted at first at the thought of spending a good $29 for something as intangible as "information". As I once asked myself, many people now ask me this question:
"Can't I get this information for FREE on the Internet?
So why do I need to pay for it?"
I have to admit that this is a valid question. And I have to agree that you CAN find similar (but not exact) information for free, scattered around the Internet. So why choose the IAHBE? How can it help you?
Let me tell you my personal experience first..
As a budding home business entrepreneur, my survival depended on how well I controlled my meager finances and small capital. And yet, every business owner knows the costs associated when starting your business. For example, I had to spend on:
a) My personal growth - books, ebooks, reports
b) Advertising - ezine ads, PPC, leads and print media ads
c) Operations - PC software, productivity tools
I had, at that time, spent close to $3000 just getting started. Most that was spent on useless website traffic schemes, so called "targeted" home business leads, books, software and PPC advertising.
But in my second month as a member of the IAHBE, I realized that I actually have hundreds of unused coupons, discounts and special offers for the same products and services that I paid the full price for elsewhere. How can the IAHBE do this?
It's a question of simple economics:
"What you cannot achieve as an individual, you can easily achieve as a group."
Since the IAHBE has thousands of members, they can easily negotiate for special bulk discounts, free trials, and even free gifts from various suppliers, manufacturers and retailers.
Now ask this question for your self
"Do you want to spend time finding information, or do you want to spend time building a business?"
The reason is this;
If you're perfectly happy running around chasing information, instead of actually building a business, you don't need the IAHBE. If you want to learn only from truly successful people, and get the information delivered to your doorstep, there is no smarter choice.
After all, it only costs you around a dollar a day. Heck, even useless 'lifestyle' magazines cost more :)
Take it form a guy who learned the hard way...
Take it from a guy who is a member and 100% believer in the IAHBE, it is The Best Way To Become Very Wealthy With Online Marketing
Be sure to take advantage of this exclusive offer. The International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs membership will allow you to access digital information from anywhere in the world, with TONS of useful information and solutions. It's so simple:
1) you purchase your IAHBE membership
2) you take advantage of all its amazing benefits,
3) apply what you learn to start or improve your business
4) you can cancel anytime within 30 days if you feel you don't need this membership. If that is not fair, I don't know what is!