Get onto a Search Engine eg. and type in the search text box (Note use double quotes) “is (such and such URL) a scam”. If you get some results, click on a few of them to see what people are saying about the business. If a lot of the comments are bad then it is a warning sign to stay away from that work at home site.
1. Some people are very petty, so you must consider the statements made before listing the company as bad.
2. Some do not read the fine print when signing up or do not fully understand the concept therefore when a problem arises they complain loud and long.
3. Many of these companies have hundred of thousands of clients but have only a few complaints.
4. Make considered judgements.
Always check on line jobs with these URLs and any other data bases of this type or Home Business forums before even considering any on line job:-
The first data base has the basic information that any prospective employee or entrepreneur should know
Lots of people have had success with these two URLs…..I believe it did not cost them anything to look. …. I wish you every success