Work from Home - Internet based work - what do they do?
2007-05-30 10:50:19 UTC
I have asked this question twice now and gotten nothing but advertisements, and people speaking about how great their experience is with this or that company - ya, they all sound like the bait in a con job to me.

So my question still stands - if I start working for one of these companies (one that is not a con/scam) and discover that I am doing- what?

Some say marketing, some say mass marketing, but none say of what. Which tells me right off that they are a scam looking for mooks to get sucked in.

Also- interestingly, none of the companies sited give contact information until after they have SS# (I make one up just to get in to look around), name, and other stuff.

These sites also tack serious spyware into their sites, so I know they are scams and cons for ID theft.

Problem is that there are real sites out there, that really hire people to do things on line, and I would like to know more, but none are forth coming with that information.

What do work from home people do?
23 answers:
2007-05-30 13:03:21 UTC
Well they do a lot of stuff. Freelance graphics design, Freelance software development, Freelance writing. Internet Sales aka Affiliate Marketing. Pretty much anything you can do on a computer and over the internet.

Every one of them, probably has a website selling their services, and uses all the above skills, either contracted out, or on their own.

The easiest way to work from home, is of course sales. I don't know if you have ever done sales, but its easier than graphic design and software development. Sales people make commission, you can either work for one company at a desk, a company building, or be a traveling sales person. The internet allows you to be a sales person/marketer. You can work for hundreds of companies by joining affiliate programs. Just follow the ethical guidelines of search marketing and you are now in business as a self-employed sales person/ entrepreneur (aka Affiliate Marketer). Thats not a scam, you choose what you want to sell, you make the site, and you market it. What you sell and how you do it is up to you. The question is, how do you get good at becoming an affiliate marketer? There are a lot of experts out there who will train you from beginning to advanced techniques, some will even offer you free websites.

If you're new to affiliate marketing and you want to practice the techniques without having to dive right in, an affiliate marketing website lets you practice and hone your skills before you decide to spread your wings. Make some extra cash while you figure out what works for you, and what products and services you can really promote for maximum returns.

When you do start online sales, stick with what you know. Whether its games, movies, sales, software, art, science, money.... etc. Become an expert on a subject, and promote your site using Search Marketing techniques. Before you know it, your going to be making money, and have a few sites under you belt. Everything takes time and practice.
2016-07-22 12:16:24 UTC
Easy R
2007-06-06 07:33:55 UTC
Hi, I hope I can answer your question because I DO WORK FROM HOME. So what exactly do I do? Affiliate Marketing! Marketing of what? Anything and everything... Okay, this is how it got started....... all the time I was looking for a work from home opportunity......and I tried ebay /dropshipping, babysitting, web design (my original background), but still i was looking for something that makes me money and doesn't take too much of my experienced online marketers call it runs on set it up once and forget about it. Last year, I purchased a work from home data entry typing program for $90 and while i thought it was a scam, it opened my eyes to the REAL opportunity. Now I'm in the game.....I make somewhere around $800-$1500 a month and I get paid biweekly. I just received my $335 check yesterday in the mail. So marketing of what? Well basically every website out there has an affiliate opportunity.......big companies....Like Toys R Us, Dell, BlockBuster, BabyUniverse, TheChildren'sPlace, etc... etc.... in addition to work from home opportunities, etc.. etc... So finding something to promote is not an issue........but how do you promote it to make money?! There are free ways of doing it, and other ways that can cost you money. I personally do both. But to be honest, I also bought many ebooks out there in order to help me do what I am doing.....they told me where to get free advertising, how to rank #1 on google, how to write successful ads, etc...etc.. etc... I can help you 1 on 1 if you want. Good luck and I hope I've answered your question, but really I cannot be saying any more details about what exactly i do because i do not want to create too much competition for myself. But you get the idea! Now do your research!
2007-06-04 17:32:07 UTC
There is a difference between a home business and a home job -- which are you truly looking for?

There are legitimate jobs out there, but they are few and far between. Most require experience in specific areas such as programming, tech writing, etc. The more general jobs are in customer service, handling inbound/outbound calls from home, and are typically found with companies such as Alpine Access and Live Ops. These jobs tend to be limited in some areas and may require you to pay for your own background check in some instances.

With regards to home businesses, if the person promoting a specific opportunity cannot tell you up front (when asked) exactly what they do, what company they represent, and what products/services they offer, it can be a waste of your time...and theirs. Let it be known that any legitimate home business is going to involve selling, referring, promoting, or marketing some type of product or service -- if it does not, it is most likely a money scheme and one to avoid.
2007-06-05 20:17:46 UTC
I work from home for a health care benefits provider. I spend my days checking emails and responding to those, posting ads online, and returning calls from anyone that has requested either an interview about working from home or about our health care benefits plans (by the way which are awesome). I have just recently recieved a promotion within my company and now I also spend part of my day working with my sales team and helping them to reach their goals and train them also. I also try and attend a training call a week and listen to the recorded training calls. In my "spare" time I try and read a chapter or two of a self help book. Right now I am reading The Slight Edge. I love what I do, and that makes it so much more fun to do. I did work both outside the home and from home and now I work just from home. I do not work full time, I only work two to three hours a day. I could easily work 8 hours a day from home but I choose not to because my whole reason for wanting to work from home is to spend time with my two children. I want to be able to go in the pool for a couple of hours a day if I want to or go to the zoo in the morning or whatever the girls want to do. I personally enjoy working from home, but it does take discipline and ambition. It is not for everyone because it does take work if you are going to make an actuall living at it, and if anyone tells you otherwise they are just giving you a line of you know what :)

I hope this is what you were looking for :) Oh, and about the ss# thing, I never gave out my ss# unitl I had to give it to the corporate office in order to recieve my paycheck. We do not even get ss#'s from anyone that is signing up for our healthcare beneifts plans. Now days I do not like to give out my ss# to anyone unless I know it is legit.
2007-06-06 13:54:43 UTC

I can tell you what I do from my home based Internet biz.

I help people start their own biz. Don't need to sell anything but you do have to be a member. As a member we have to purchase health products. These health products like sublingual vitamin B-12 are legitimate and actually do work. Go figure.

My business has been here and making profit for 7 years!

If you want FREE information please email me.

Good Luck!
It's Me Again
2007-05-30 11:09:38 UTC
Everyone wants to make some extra $$ for living or just want to be rich online. Most of people joint some e-book buisness, marketing, direct sales and affiliation program. It all turns out to make profit for their upper line.

The only one make decent $ is the top one. It's just like old fashion MLM (multi-layer marketing), but it's on the internet.

There are many thing you can do the earn extra $$ by working from home.

For example:

-- Write up some garbage blog for some marketing company in order to gain search engine page ranking.

-- Write up some product review for advertisement company

-- Read commercial junk email and get paid for every email you read and only up to certain amount of emails.

-- Create a new web site for web directory primary for search engine.

-- Surf internet and get pay by click on the advertisement

-- Download spyware and virus and screw up your computer without knowing what they did to your computer

-- Fill out survey and provide your private information and get telemarking calls all the time or receiving junk mail

-- Provide your background and interests in order to get discount coupon and turns out you got calls from credit protection company telling you that your credit score are low.

If a web site is asking your SSN, there are two things happening.

1. They need to know your SSN in order to report tax when they write you a check and make sure you are realy

2. They will do credit check and make $$ on checking your credit score. Whenever your credit report is requested or filed, your credit score will be lower.

So you can make some $$$ by doing all above, but it hurts your life for long term.

I started my own online retail store. I make profit on what i sell and my custom service. It's real money without scam someone. It's hard at beginning, it all turns out great.

There are many good reading on

Remember that all small business start small.

Good luck!

2007-05-30 16:51:17 UTC
i know how you feel cause i've been there and still been there. you have to realise that online market is vast and a lot of people are coming in to try their luck. but online biz is just like offline biz where it requires hard work and i believe it is even harder at first then offline biz because the competition is so fierce yet lucrative.

some secret won't put out in the open cause to much info can lead to to many competition and most internet marketer won't want that happen to their biz. even 'guru' who claim that they make million won't show their site that generate the most money. the site they show to people are the site people go there to buy their stuff that show how to earn money online. the reason is because we like to copy other people success. and when we copy them definitely their sales will dwindle.

what actually are they doing to earn money? one of them is making a website that target very special people . they sell good product where the conversion rates is high and they also can generate money thru advertising money.

the other is also a lucrative one. why not you grab a very special report on that biz. it is a free report. it is very real biz. the report show how to prosper in that biz. but the question is are you capable of doing it? grab that free report from below resources.
2007-05-30 12:22:26 UTC
I am a home based travel agent. I sell travel and I can also make money for bringing others into the company. I can do one, the other, or both. Go to to see how our company works and if you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me. Our company is publicly traded and a member of the BBB. If people can't be upfront and honest about what they do, why bother investigating?
Mike J
2007-05-30 11:18:07 UTC
Goto, it is not an advertisement site, just a general reference site for 'Entreprenuers'.

and yes, every time a question like this is asked you get the same people copying and pasting their so called sales pitch to every question.

The internet is very powerful and you can make a lot of money using the internet for a home based business.
2007-06-02 15:52:23 UTC
We do many different things. The usual things to get started are writing articles for pay, selling things on ebay, signing up for paid surveys, that type of thing. Once you gain some experience, you'll want to move up.

Join some forums that are just for internet marketing people. Read some blogs about it, and find out how to get started.

A great blog for newbies to get started quickly and sensibly is Another good source is

Good luck!
Catherine B
2007-05-30 10:58:00 UTC
The best way to operate a home based business is to actually start a business of your own.

My husband and I operate a used car and salvage business mostly out of our home. We have a separate office for licensing purposes for our business to operate legally. Most of our business is over the Internet, specifically eBay.

You can sell arts and crafts or odds and ends out of your home.

The thing that I think you may be trying to avoid is the four letter word: WORK. Operating a successful business of any kind takes lots of work and lots of capital. It takes money to make money. It takes hard work to make a business work.

You were right to withhold your SSN. No reputable business is going to ask you for your social for you to get information about a legitimate business opportunity.
2007-06-02 22:24:05 UTC
There are many legitimate ways to make money at home using the internet without actually running a “home business”.

One of the Greatest Earning Opportunity for Home workers, Part time jobbers, Net Surfers, Network Marketers to earn Extra Money from Home Comfort.
2016-03-13 07:00:23 UTC
I work for a nationally known company and in our call centers we use a company called arise for our overflow. I would do a search for aRise or try doing a search for virtual customer service. DO NOT PAY to join something or sign up for information. Look for companies that hire directly. They are out there.
2007-05-30 11:03:11 UTC
Loads trade on Ebay. Great way to earn. Never ever pay a start up fee to a work at home opportunity. Always a scam. If you are looking for ideas please reply and I'll help best I can
2007-05-31 04:35:26 UTC
Hey there!

I hope my answer gives you what you are looking for. You are right, there are so many scams operating out there that the few good ones often get misunderstood.

Okie, so what do I do? I am a lifestyle coach, an Internet marketer and a mentor. My business allows me to help people get financially literate and also to assist them to start their own home based business. The product we deal with is ONLINE EDUCATION in 2 broad areas: wealth mastery (financial literacy) and self mastery (personal development). This sells as a package of over 65 modules - and is ideal for the whole family as it includes course for all. eg. there is even a course on how to teach your child about money and finance. The 2nd and 3rd product deals with wealth and self live conferences which are held in different cities almost twice a year. (So no headaches with handling products, shipping and warehousing, mailing, etc. All products are virtual and online).

So people can not only buy our products, they can also decide to start their own home based business with our products.

Now what I do on a day to day basis: I work from home. All I need to do every morning is check by automated back office (set up for me by the company) if I have received any expression of interest from someone who has seen my ads (which I may have placed through various media like internet, newspapers, small flyers and other methods) and has then checked out my website. My website (again provided by the parent company) has a small form which asks for basic contact details (name, location, phone #, email, best time to call and occupation) and when someone fills it up, I get an alert in my mail. So I contact a person only when I get their permission to do so and they are pre qualified as they have already seen the movie on my website and have then shown interest for more information.

Once I speak with them, I ask them a few questions to see if they will be a good fit into the business and if this is what they are looking for. If they show interest, I direct them to the company's informational website, invite them to a few live conference calls where the best performing partners do a presentation about the company and then open lines for any questions that the guests may have.

Guests are allowed to attend as many calls as they want to. They are also given contact numbers of partners in the city where they stay if they would like to meet up with someone in person. All forms of assistance is given to get all their answers clarified.

No one pays a cent or gives us any confidential information while they do a research about our company. We arrange free conference calls 7 days a week for guests to make use of and our friendly team of partners are always available to personally speak with guests if they so request.

I never have to sell or make a presentation if I don't want to. I just have to ensure that people see my website and ask me for more information. The system does the selling for me. We encourage everyone to do their due diligence and make a well informed decision.

If a person is not interested, we part ways with no hard feelings as no one has offended anyone in any way. (since there were no cold calls, no harsh selling, no forced conversations). If the person is interested, we sign them up according to what level they choose to join us at.

What also helps keep our business stand out from the rest is the fact that all payments are first made to you. Then you keep your share of the profit (over 75%) and send the remaining to the company. As an example, for the online education package which sells for US $1295, I earn US $1,000 in profit. The second product makes a profit of $4,500 and the 3rd product makes a profit of $10,000.

So our business is not about quantity, its about getting in quality people. And the major advantage we have is that we are paid first before the company.

I hope I have answered all your questions.


2007-06-04 20:20:41 UTC
I am a college student finally got a home job! check out! Free! you dont even have to register! Real companies that hire YOU for different things example..customer service, ugh text chatting all kinds of things! I work for as a customer service rep now because of that site! Check it out
2016-07-14 10:37:03 UTC
Get Money Taking Surveys -
2007-05-30 10:52:40 UTC
I guess most start their own businesses
2007-06-07 09:04:07 UTC

Go to that site and it will show you the answer =)
2007-06-07 08:48:32 UTC
2007-05-30 10:52:44 UTC
2007-05-30 10:53:09 UTC
i found something intresting, but i am not sure whether it will work

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.