1. You need to INVEST in a domain name.
2. You need to INVEST to host the website.
3. You need to INVEST in knowlege. Knowledge will PAY to learn.
A) So, lets say you got a skill, in powerpoint 2007 and I'm just giving an example.
B) You realised there's a lot of people who want to learn this skill.
C) Create a Page with a Headline (title) that says..
"FREE Videos Reveal How To Create Stunning, Attention Grabbing Powerpoint Slides To Wow Your Boss And Team!"
And put a video under that headline of you speaking on the..
How you are going to show them the #1 secret on how to make their powerpoint stunning to wow their boss, team and..clients. Or just put "client."
Or you can add a video which is funny, showing how not to create a powerpoint presentation.
And this page is saying, that you're going to reveal the secret on the next page. They need to fill in the form.
D) When they fill in the form, they go to the next page and the headline there is..
"But Wait! I'm going to reveal all my 10 secrets for you."
Below that is a video showing how to do ONE simple but powerful powerpoint presentation. You're giving one secret on how to do a great presentation.
Below video is the CD to the videos they get for free but they just pay shipping cost.
Here's the magic...
On that page you have a story, how you was doing a presentation for your job but yours were boring. It didn't grab them or the customer.
You had to find a way to do a presentation but you weren't great at computers etc etc etc. Then you learnt how and got amazing results.
Then name each result they will get from these free videos they just pay shipping for, which you can sort pay pal out with.
Below this are courses, which you have created that they can purchase if they want more.
Your job, is to give free stuff on first page, to give you their details, and for them to go to next page, to get the free CD but,...to ALSO see paying course you created.
They press ADD to cart if they want these courses that are paid, or click a button to just pay for shipping.
Now, those who gave details will be future customers because you can email them one video a week, if they don't pay for shipping. That way they see your videos and you show you got expertise.
Now, turn all this around, and use it to what you're into instead of Powerpoint or for ANY business.
Give free, show your value. Forget about get rich schemes. Invest in knowledge you think people need and make money out of it this way.
There's ALWAYS people willing to pay to learn something that will help them out.
BUT...You'll always need to invest, whether it's a domain name, then hosting, and auto-responder.
Or..find someone who has these resources and team up.
"I got 10 more videos revealing all my secrets."