Get wise in the ways of managing your money + investing it + scraping out a few extra pennies from other sources to top-up your income......
Step 1) Get into the habit of regularly reading all the Personal Finance & Investing websites such as "The Motley Fool", "Investopedia", "Yahoo Finance", etc.
Step 2) Read books about getting rich / wealth building such as "Making Millions for Dummies" + "Trump University: Wealth Building 101", etc
Step 3) Read books about frugal living / thifty living, aka learning to live within your means and not spend more than necessary so it doesn't disappear from your bank account faster than you can top it up to the level you consider yourself rich..
Step 4) Read a shedload of books about investing in stockmarkets, such as:
- The Naked Trader
- Warren Buffett Accounting Book
- Warren Buffett's Three Favourite Books
- 100 Baggers
- Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits
- Dividend Stocks for Dummies
Step 5) Read books about Real Estate Investing, such as "The Real Estate Fisherman"
Step 6) Read books about starting a business, such as "Starting a business for Dummies" + books about improving a business, such as "Wake up and smell the profit" (which is particularly aimed at people running a coffee shop business, but gets lots of praise from people in other industries as well in the Amazon reviews).
Step 7) Read books about trading on Ebay & Etsy, such as:
- Three Weeks to Ebay Profits
- 1000 Best Ebay Success Secrets
- Ebay: How to Earn £50,000 a year part time
- The Ebay Business Handbook
- Titanium Ebay
- Etsy Empire
+ various other books of a similar theme (e.g. "Flipping Cars for Profit")
Step 8) Read books about the various new & interesting ways the 21st Century offers on how to get rich, such as:
- Living Off Youtube (Dave Cullen)
- Passive Income (Brendan Mace)
- Real Money Second Life
- Blogging for the Broke Guy
- AdSense Secrets (Joel Comm)
Maybe throw-in a few books about Bitcoin + other Cryptocurrencies as well.
Step 9) Read books & watch TV shows about people who've hit it big in the world of business & investing to see what it takes and how you need to think to put yourself in a position to get rich, such as:
- The Men Who Built America (TV series)
- Warren Buffett (assorted random book & website biographies available)
- Sam Walton: Made in America (biography book about the guy who founded Walmart)
- The Tycoons (Charles R. Morris)
Step 10) Put all this new found knowledge into action the best way you see fit.