There are many web hosting providers and you might become confused to choose which one. It is very important that you choose a good web host. Good doesn't mean expensive. Good means reliable with great support. When you choose a web host, make sure they have excellent support. If you have a problem with your web site you want help now, not in a day or two.
It can be confusing when choosing a web hosting company because they all look pretty much the same and they seem like they know what they are doing. However, I recommend reading reviews from reliable websites so that you may compare and become more familiar with the hosting companies before making a decision. This website has helped me a lot with my hosting decisions for a while now
For me hosting is all about 1- Website Speed which you will not find faster, 2- It is the support team who really make a hosting company the best and worthwhile, they have never taken more than a couple of hours to get back to me with solutions, advice and fixes which is more than i can say about godaddy, bluehost, justhost and hostgator.
I am a web designer and I have changed back and forth from many companies over the years but my favorite one is SimpleServers . I am moving all my websites to them as the contracts expire. I hope this will help you.
They are currently have these offers which you can use :
jwoffer = 10% off first order on any package or purchase
jjoff = £1 first month on any shared hosting plan.
Do not relly on answers like bluehost, hostgator, godaddy, just host....
All those companies are under one holding company, the same politics, good marketing, pure shared hosting. They have good affiliate programs they give money to people who advertise them on the Internet.
If you read reviews like top 10 hosting companies, in most cases you will find the SAME answer, based on affiliate programs, or who offer more to affiliate partners that is better, so forget these tricks.