Hey Maiden,
I'll answer your question the best I can according my experience
and knowledge.
First, I understand you're not afraid to spend a money to make it.
And...I RESPECT that. Because, what people don't know is that
when you look for handouts, ultimately, you get "nothing".
Second, you're open and willing to explore ways to make money
without wasting it. I've been there MORE than once. Unfortunately,
I had to learn some lessons the hard way. In the end, I narrowed
down my choices down to what consistently makes money.
Direct Mail Marketing. Or, more specifically - Postcard Marketing.
The KEY to making money with ANY business and to do it with
ease is to SCALE. By "scale", I mean the ability to grow business
without doing more work.
The secret behind SCALING is LEVERAGE.
If you understand leverage and, more importantly, know how to use
it safely - you win.
So, what is Postcard Marketing? Well, I won't go into all the details
here, but I can say it's by far one of the EASIEST business models
to scale and leverage without selling.
In fact, it's not uncommon to earn 2x-3x your money for every dollar
invested IF...you do it right. Therefore, turning $10 to $15 makes 50%
of your money, wheres with the right training and systems you can
easily do well over 100%-300% realistically.
It's the only business in the world I know of with returns like this, and
I've talked to multi-millionaires personally who do it and are the laziest
business guys I know -- because they CAN be.
Now here's the "rub":
If you're not careful, you can LOSE hundreds if not thousands of $$$
doing postcard marketing because theres a lot of bad information out
there. Luckily, all it takes is ONE good source to keep you on track
to help you avoid many of the same mistakes I made when I started.
If you wish, you can see how the numbers work for yourself and you
will know if it's a good fit for you - or not. There are 2 free videos that
will show you how those kind of returns are realistic. And, if you have
any questions feel free to contact me at anytime.
-- Benjamin Rosenberg --