How can I make an easy business on the net with good profit ?
2007-01-26 16:40:37 UTC
How can I make an easy business on the net with good profit ?
Seven answers:
2007-01-26 16:46:43 UTC
This one.
Dreams comes true
2007-01-26 20:06:59 UTC
There are hundred of opportunities available on the net so u need to be very specific , what do u want to do...

(1) Working on net

(2) having a online business

(3) doing business with e bay

and the list goes endless
Tim R
2007-01-26 16:54:55 UTC
Have a look at the business opportunity at It is a easy start up with great returns. My wife and I are very pleased and excited with the results we are having. You can e-mail me with any questions or for personal mentoring to show you how to get started.
2007-01-26 16:47:11 UTC
Checkout this website The left side of screen are all menus. Exciting eco-friendly, non-animal tested products. Also check out
2016-03-15 04:26:53 UTC
well Kay Lee sounds like a homework question. answer 2375
2007-01-26 20:31:33 UTC
none of them are easy
Mario E
2007-01-26 17:24:26 UTC
As far as an easy business, there is no such thing. Hopefully a business will cost you some effort, otherwise you probably won't be getting much return from it.

But if you are planning to simply expand your sources of income, then yes, an online business - a very small one - is a good idea and time well spent.

To answer your question: as far as how, it's easy. offers the best blogging software for professionals or just people going on business. It's your site and you pay for it (about $150 per year).

But if you want to create an actual website, which demands a little more tech-savvyness, I recommend using for the domain name and the hosting. But don't use their free templates. They can be customized well and look like crap. Learn a basic understand of HTML design and you'll be fairly well. A good understanding of HTML can be summed up in a month of solid immersion.

The internet is a tricky field. You can't just decide to put something "ugly" online. Currently a page without an underlying good design will be skimmed, frowned upon, and skipped. And it is ALL ABOUT CONTENT. You will go nowhere without good content.

And by content I mean, a ground-breaking commentary on George W. Bush, the texture and purpose for each type of tea in the world, and where to find it and how it costs, or just another shot of Paris Hilton's boobs sticking out from the side. I mean, the Internet is great because you can go everywhere, but the poing is: you have to go somewhere. If there is no point to what you write, then you'll be skipped. But you can be funny, too. Don't forget that. But if you're not funny and you don't have a point, then you'll be skipped. There is too much on the Internet already that the majority of people adopt 5-10 websites as their favorites. You have to sneak in there with something good to offer.

My recommendation for you is to go to a big library near you and browse through the different categories available. You have health, you have history, you have biographies, current events, etc. Choose one, whichever you like, and focus on that. Learn as much as you go, or create a product from it that you can sell online.

A big mistake people make is that they forget they're simply showing A PAGE online. An online PAGE is exactly the same as a notebook page. It's just a blank sheet of paper that you decorate and pack with info. Think of it like that.

Of course, you have the added benefit of movement, now even more easily afforded thanks to YouTube and Revver and Google Video, which makes it easy for you to put any kind of video on your website without taking a big toll on your online shelf space.

So you will be a publisher. And if you ask any publisher, the majority of their revenue comes from advertising. So you will probably want to explore GoogleAdsense and how it works.

One quick thing you could do right now is do consulting, assuming you excel at any given task or you are familiar with a particular consulting-based business. Let's say you're a nutritionist: you can consult people online or by the phone. Simply create a website talking about your consulting abilities. Get a free 1-800 number from, in which the people who call you have to pay to get your number, and then you consult, making money every second that goes by. And you can adjust how much money that is. So that's certainly the easy way.

But if you want to browse through some more options, here are all the options I have for you to consider.

Good luck! And feel free to contact me to discuss more about this. I'm not trying to sell you ANYTHING, but I do offer free consulting for potential future online business. There's a catch, of course, but you never have to pay me any money or anything like that. Sorry if this sounds like the regular scam-test, but I really have no scam. I know how to pull a scam, but that's just not me, you know? Feel free to check my Answers/Questions so that you don't feel I'm some sort of scamming freak.

Here are some business ideas, however. Enjoy:

Investment: 0-$1000

Airbrush Artist

Animal Registration/IDServices

Apartment Preparation Service

Arts Festival Promoter

Athletic Recruiter/Scout

Auction House

Auto Paint Touch-Up Professional

Automotive Loan Broker

Band Manager

Bankruptcy Services

Bar tending Services

Barter Systems

Blade-Sharpening Service

Boardinghouse Operator

Book Indexer

Bounty Hunter

Cake Decorator


Candle Maker

Caning Specialist


Child Care Referral Service

Childbirth Instructor

College Application Consultant

Comedy Writer

Commercial Plant Watering Service

Coupon Distributor

Doll Repair Service

Etiquette Adviser

First Aid/CPR Instructor

Garage Sale Coordinator

Genealogical Service (Family History Writer)

Gerontology Consultant


Handbill Distribution

Handyman Network

Home Schooling Consultant

Horse Trainer

Hospitality Service

Ice Sculpting

In-Home Mail Service

Incorporation Service for Businesses

Jewelry Designer

Knitting/Crocheting Lessons

Lactation Consultant

Laundry/Ironing Service

Law Library Management

Lawn Care Service

Literary Agent


Makeup Artist

Mall Promotion

Merchandise Demonstrator

Mobile Book/Magazine Distributor

Mortgage Loan Broker

Motor Vehicle Transportation

Movie Site Scout

Multilevel Marketing

Mystery Shopper

Notary Public

Nutrition Consultant

Packing/Unpacking Service


Party Planner

Personal Instructor/Fitness Trainer

Personal Menu Service

Personal Shopper

Pet Psychologist

Private Tutor

Professional Organizer

Real Estate Agent/Home Researcher

Reminder Service

Roommate Referral Service

Scanning Service

Silk Flower Arranger


Stress Management Counselor

Taste Tester for Food Companies

Toy Cleaning Service

Vacation Rentals Broker

Wellness Instructor

Investment: 1000-5000 $

Abstracting Service


Adoption Search Service

Advertising Sales Representative

Alterations/Seamstress Business

Arbitration Service

Art Broker/Corporate Art Consultant

Association Management Services

Audio Recording for Trade Show and Seminars

Auto Maintenance

Background Music Leasing

Boat Maintenance/Cleaning Service

Book Binder

Book Packager

Bookkeeping Service

Bridal Consultant

Broadcast Sales/Advertising Broker

Bulletin Board Services

Business Broker

Buyer's Information Service

Calendar Service

Carpet/Upholstery Cleaning

Chimney Sweep

City Planner

Clip Art Service

Clipping Service

College Internship Placement

Color Consultant

Commercial Actor

Commercial Photographer

Conference Call Facilitator

Construction Management Services

Consumer Researcher

Cooking Class Instructor


Credit Cardholders' Service

Credit Card Merchant Broker

Credit Consultant

Dance Instructor

Data Retrieval Service

Day Care Service

Desktop Publisher: Community-Based Coupon Books

Direct Marketing/Sales

Disability Consultant

Dog Trainer

Economic Development Consultant

Emergency Response Service

Employee Harmony Consultant

Environmental Consultant/Contractor

Factory Locating Consultant

Fan Club Management


Farmer of Fruits or Vegetables

Feed Consultant/Broker

Financial Aid Consultant

Flea Market Organizer

Food Delivery Service

Food Item Manufacturer

Food Manufacturing Consultant

Forensic Consultant

Freelance Writer/Editor/Illustrator

Fund-Raising Firm

Government Contract Consulting

Grants/Proposal Writer

Herb/Flowers Farming

Image Consultant

Interior Designer

Internet Marketing Specialist


Invention Consultant/Broker

Investment Broker/Club

Jewelry/Clock/Watch Repair

Labor Relations Consultant

Licensing Agent



Manufacturer's Representative

Massage Therapist

Medical Management Consultant

Meeting Planner

Meteorological Consultant

Mobile Hair Salon

Money Broker

Motivational Speaker


Murder Mystery Producer

Newspaper Delivery Service

Oil and Gas Field Services

On-Line Job Search

On-Line Services Consultant


Parenting Specialist

Payroll Administrative Services

Personality Analysis/Testing Service

Personalized Check Service

Personnel Safety Consultant

Pharmaceutical Returns Consulting

Political Campaign Management


Printing Broker

Product Developer

Profit Sharing Plan Consultant

Property Management Service

Recreation Activities Consultant


Referral Service

Relocation Consultant

Respiratory Equipment Repair

Resume Service

Retail Bakery/Specialty Food Store

Retirement Planner

Reunion Organizer

Sales of Novelty and Promotional Products

Seamstress/Alterations Business

Secretarial Service

Software Conversion Service


Standardized Test Preparatory Services


Stenography Service

Systems Integrator


Time-Management Specialist

Trademark Agent

Translation Services

Travel Agent

Tree Service

Tropical Fish Servicing


Vending Machine Owner

Venture Capitalist

Water Pumping Service

Window Treatment Specialist

Window Washing Service

Wood Splitter

World Wide Web Home Page Creator

Investment: 5000-15000 $

Accident Reconstruction Service

Acoustical Services

Advertising Agency

Agricultural Marketing

Ambulatory Services

Animal Broker/Dealer

Archaeological Services

Art Restoration Services

Art/Photo Representative

Auditing Specialist

Auto Swap Meet Promotion

Automobile Window Stickers

Automotive Detailing

Automotive Marketing and Training Services

Balloon Delivery Service

Bicycle Rental

Boudoir Photography

Bridal Show Promotions

Business Plan Writer/Packager

Career Counselor

Carpet Installation

Casting Director

Classified Advertising Newspaper

Coffee Bar/Tea Salon


Collection Agency

Computer Consultant

Computer Maintenance Service

Computer Software Sales

Computer Trainer

Construction Services

Corporate Insurance Broker

Corporate Trainer

Cost Reduction Consultant

Database Consultant

Dating Service

Decks/Outdoor Furniture

Designer/Retail Items


Draftsman/Blueprinting Service

Drive-by Broadcasting

Efficiency Expert

Electrical Contractor/Electrician

Employee Benefits Consultant

Executive Search Firm

Expert Witness

Fabric Coverings

Fax-on-Demand Service

Financial Planner

Firewood Service


Franchise Idea Center

Furniture Refinisher

Gardening Consultant

Gift Basket Business

Graffiti Removal

Graphic Designer

Greeting Card Sender

Hauling Service

Herbal Products Distributor

Home Entertainment System Service

Home Office Consultant

Human Resource Services

Incentive Programs/Promotional Material

Information Consultant

Insurance Agent

Inventory Control

Invisible Fencing Sales/Installation

Irrigation Services

Job Hot Line

Lead Exchange/Business Networking Service

Legal Cost Control/Litigation Management Services

Lie Detection Service

Lock Box Service


Maid Service

Mailing List Service

Management Consultant


Market Mapping Service

Marketing Consultant


Medical Claims Processing

Medical Products Manufacturer

Medical Transcriptionist


Mini-Blind Cleaning Service

Mobile Disc Jockey Service

Modeling School/Agency

Money Order Service

Monogramming Service

Motion Picture Research Consultant

Networking Services

New Product Researcher

Newspaper Features Syndicate

Noise Control Consultant

Office Equipment Leasing

On-Line Internet Researcher

Outdoor Adventures

Packaging Consultant

Paging Services

Patient Gift Packager

Personalized Children's Books

Pet Breeder

Pet Grooming/Care

Photocopying Service

Political Marketing Consultant

Portrait Photographer/Artist

Private Detective/Intelligence Specialist

Public Pay Phone Services

Public Relations

Public Speaking Consultant

Rare Book Dealer/Search Service

Real Estate Appraiser

Recreational Coupon Distributor

Remanufacturing:Laser Printer Cartridges

Rental Business

Residence for the Elderly

Restoration Services

Rubber Stamp Business

Sales Trainer

Security Systems Consultant

Seminar (Speakers) Service

Shipping/Customs Consultant

Short-Term Auto Rental Service

Sightseeing Excursions

Small Business Consultant

Snow Plow Service

Software Development/CD-ROM Packaging

Software Engineer/Programmer


Talent Agency

Tax Preparation Service

Technical Writer (Documentation and On-Screen Text)

Telecommunications Consultant

Telemarketing Service

Television Program Distributor

Textile Broker

Theatrical Lighting Service

Traffic Control Consultant

Used Boat Sales

Used Computer Sales

Used Industrial Equipment Sales

Vacuum Cleaner Repair

Video Transfer Service

Water Quality Services

Wilderness-Based Therapeutic Programs

Word-Processing Service

Workers' Compensation Consultant

Investment 15000-40,000 $

Aerial Applicator

Antiques Dealer


Art Gallery

Automotive Parts Rebuilder

Banquet Facility

Biofeedback Therapist

Boat Operation Instructor

Building Maintenance Service

Bungee Jumping Instructor

Business Form Sales and Service

Catalog Retailer


Child ID Products

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Service

Computer Composer

Computerized Special Effects Designer

Concert Promoter

Consulting Engineer

Damage Restoration Service

Desktop Publisher

Digital Imaging Service

Educational Product Development

Employee Leasing

Entertainment Directory Publisher

Fish Restocking

Floral Shop

Health Centers for Corporations

Home Inspector

Horse/Cargo Trailer Service

Hot Air Balloon Rides


International Business Consultant

Landscape Designer


Mail-Order Computer and Component Sales

Message Retrieval Service (Answering Service)

Mobile Car Inspection/Repair

Mobile Paper-Shredding Service

Motor Vehicle License Bureau

Multimedia Service

Nanny Service

Occupational Health Care Services

Outplacement Services

Overnight Delivery Service

Paramedical Services

Pest Control Service

Pet Taxi Service

Pool Maintenance

Power Wash Service

Recording Studio Rental

Television Repair

Ticket Broker

Transportation Provider (Limousine/Van)

Videotext Service

Voice Messages Service Center

Voice-Activated Home Automation


Investment: 40,000$ +

Air Charter Service

Arcade/Party Rentals

Assembly Work

Audiobook Producer/Distributor

Automotive Testing Equipment

Bed & Breakfast

Beer Brewery

Boat Tours

Canoe Livery

Car Wash

Child Development Center

Coin-Operated Laundry

Color Separation and Film Assembly Services

Commodities Broker

Creative Arts Day Camp

Custom Embroidery

Day Spa

Demolition/Wrecking Contractor

Diaper Service


Drug Testing Service

Dry Cleaning Service

Earthquake Products/Services

Fiber Optic Transmission Systems

Fitness Rental Equipment.

Framing Service


Freelance TVProducer

Funeral Home

Geologic Drilling Service

Ground Water Assessing

Health Club

Home Health Care Service

Indoor Playspace

Instant Signs

Key Control Systems Manufacturer/ Distributor

Leak Detection Service

Long-Distance Phone Services

Machinery Rebuilding/Repair

Mailbox Rental Service

Manufacturer of Licensed Products

Manufacturer of Self-Adhesive Printed Labels

Manufacturer/Retail Item

Map Publisher/Distributor

Messenger Service

Miniature Golf Course

Musical Instrument Leasing

900-Number Service

Pilot/Flying Lessons

Pinball/Electronic Game Arcade

Prefab Home Sales/Construction

Professional Diver

Real Estate Investor

Repair Service

Resale Shop


Restaurant Equipment and Supplies


Satellite Equipment/Systems (Wholesale)

Shipping/Freight Forwarding Service

Specialty Paper Producer/Distributor

Sports Equipment Sales/Service

Stock Photo Service

Storage Service

Tanning Booth Operation

Taxi Service

Temporary Employment Agency

Tow Boat Operator

Trophy/Engraving service

Trucking Broker

Uniform Service

Used Car Leasing

Video Production Company


Weight Loss Center


X-Ray Inspection Service

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.