I'v found the best place to make a free website is http://www.webstarts.com/?aff=Trent
This site has a website builder, which is the most simple way to create a website. Its like...click to ad photo or video etc, and it will appear on your website, then you drag it, resize it, etc.
This site is very easy to use and its free.
- has free hosting
- website builder (with awesome templates)
- a WEBSTARTS web address ( which will be www.webstarts.com/yoursitename)
If you want, you can check out a site I made with http://www.webstarts.com?aff=Trent , Just to show you what you can do: www.orangepants.net/
You can always upgrade to get a load of featuers which include a domaine name (www.yoursitename.com) costs like $4/month but there is a lot you can do with the free website. Check it out.