Congratulations and good luck for taking on this challenging project. You can have a tremendous impact on the operations of your child's preschool by helping bring them online.
The good news is that there is a wealth of free online tools available to help you accomplish your goals. The bad news is probably your trying to define those goals and then selecting the right tools! Without knowing all the things you hope to accomplish, I simply want to nudge you toward a few favorite "freebies" that I have enjoyed using in the past.
To start with, I urge you to take several hours to explore the huge online offerings of Google. Although you surely know Google as the "Master of Search Engines", go to and notice in their simple top menu their choices for images, video, maps, news, etc. Click on the "more" choice at the end and you will open a page with more than 46 different products and services.
Specifically check out these products:
* "Docs" which will give you the ability to create spreadsheets, word processed documents, customized forms and surveys, presentations and much more online.
* "Blogger" gives you the ability to have a nice "blog" for your school, parents organization or even individual teacher/classrooms.
* "Picasa" allows you to upload all kinds of photos, children's drawings, and any other images that you want available to teachers, students and parents.
* "Sites" gives you the capability to easily create your very own website which can be integrated with all these other Google capabilities.
* "Calendar" allows you to publish custom calendars for any or all activities in the school.
* "Groups" gives you the ability to easily create mailing lists and create discussion groups.
Many of the other products are very cool and may be useful to your school as well. (For instance, "YouTube" videos is owned by Google.)
There are many other solutions available elsewhere on the web, but you would be challenged to find a more comprehensive selection anywhere. I have used every one of the products above and recommend them all. None are perfect, but most are of high quality and I love the prices (free)!!
Good luck!