How to Sell on eBay
Selling on eBay is as easy as going through a few steps. It's user friendly and can always be edited. Here's how you can sell on eBay. If there are any questions you can always go to the "Help" section of the site.
Step 1. Sign up. Assuming you haven't yet signed up yet, go to eBay's Main Pageand then click on register at the very top of the page to create an eBay account. You will also need to sign up for a PayPal account. Sign up for PayPal first, as it will take a day or so to complete the registration process for PayPal.
Step 2. Build your account. It's a very good idea to buy a few things and pay immediately so that you will get some feedback ratings. (Don't buy things to resell, just buy things you'd buy anyway.) This will give you experience with the site and start to build up your "site cred".
-Search eBay for items like those you want to sell. Read the listings. What sort of information or photos do you find most helpful to you as a potential buyer? What makes you think a seller is trustworthy?
Step 3. Assemble the information you will need to place the listing. Usually this includes measuring the item, weighing the item so you can estimate shipping costs, and having your photos ready.
Step 4. Log in and go to Sell either in My eBay or on the Main Page at the top.
Step 5. Enter the title and description, after choosing a category. Be very detailed about your product, and include as many pictures as possible. The more pictures, the better your item will sell. Not including one will deter a lot of buyers from your item.
Step 6. Continue to go through the options, and be sure to look everything over very carefully. There's a lot to look through and you'll want to make sure everything is correct. Do not waste your money by opting for the "upgrades" for your listing. In 10 years of selling, I have never upgraded any of my listings and have done great.
Step 7. Double check everything before saving. Be sure that when you're done with everything at the end (you're at the overview page) to double check and press submit. If you don't press submit it won't be entered. You'll then get an e-mail confirming that your product was placed on eBay.
Step 8. Watch the auction. Once the item has been shipped, and they have left feedback for you, you should leave feedback for that person.
-Consider using a photo hosting service to add extra pictures to your listing for free. If you use the ebay photo hosting service, the first photo is free, each additional picture is .15 cents. I use Seller's Sourcebook for all of my listings. I can choose from over 1000 different auction templates, add as many pictures as I want and I can even upload my listings to ebay from the Seller Sourcebook site. Every one of my listings look very professional and I am proud to show my items using a professionally designed template. Other photo hosting sites are Inkfrog and Photobucket. There is a charge for Inkfrog, but Photobucket is free.
-You need to have excellent feedback to sell well on eBay.
-Sell inexpensive items to build up your feedback first.
-As long as you follow the directions and press submit at the end, your product will be viewable to everyone. It can take up to 12 hours for your item to show up under the general search.
-Always answer a customer's questions promptly. Be clear, direct, and friendly.
-Be sure to choose the correct category and keywords... the easier it is for your customer to find you, the better it will sell!
-You will have to ship the product out on your own, so you're going to have to add shipping into the price; there's a section where you set the shipping.
-You can always go back and edit it if you don't like something. Just go into "My eBay" and go from there. Once a bid in placed on your item, you cannot edit any information in your listing. You can add to the description, you just cannot edit the main body of your description.
-Keep good communication with your customer - they're interested in your product and you want to be ranked as a good seller in the end, so be a good seller!
-Try and have it so your auction ends on a Sunday. Avoid ending auctions on Friday or Saturday when people are not home to bid.
-Avoid using "reserve price" auctions. These auctions are a form of shill bidding where the bidders are bidding against the seller himself. A reserve auction makes some buyers angry because they have no idea what the seller wants. Instead, set the opening bid at the lowest amount of money you would be willing to sell the item for.
-Help keep the feedback system honest by only placing honest feedback and avoiding the "trading" of positive feedback. A seller should leave positive feedback if the buyer pays promptly. A buyer should leave positive feedback if the item arrives in a reasonable time and is as advertised. A seller who waits for a buyer to leave positive feedback is really trading feedback. Such a practice skews feedback ratings. Also, realize that a seller cannot leave a negative feedback for buyers any more. So, ensuring that your description in your listing is honest and you ship on time, will help you maintain a positive feedback rating and keep your 30 day DSR stars in good standing.
-People will look at things that have cheap or free shipping, so include the shipping price in the total price (or min bid) and people will be more inclined to buy. If you offer it, make sure they know that you're offering it.
-Packaging is also important. If items are fragile, improper packaging can result in broken items and unhappy customers! Also keep in mind the price you pay for shipping: the box, padding, etc., to decide on a reasonable price or add it to shipping and handling fees. Also, consider the possiblilties that can happen to your package. Rain, sleet or snow. Will the item that you are sending get wet in the packaging that you are using? If so, wrap the entire item in plastic to prevent this from happening.
-Payment will be vital. PayPal is the only form of payment available on ebay, and as a seller, you will want to understand how it works and sign up. A seller cannot advertise these payment options: checks, money orders and cash. If you advertise that you accept these thype of payments, ebay can and will shut down your listing. Now, if a buyer writes to you and offers a money order or check, you may want to consider accepting, since you will save 2.9% plus .30 cents per transaction.
-Do not sell illegal items. Doing so can bring heavy consequences upon you.
-Negative feedback can lead to buyers cautious of you and makes sellers think twice about selling to you. Follow up any negative feedback with accurate facts. Do not call names.
-Be careful when sending feedback. You can be sued for making dishonest statements on the feedback page, so keep in mind that you are responsible for your remarks. Keep it honest and professional, and above all, don't make childish and angry remarks.
-Don't overcharge for shipping and handling. A reasonable amount for your materials and effort is okay, but buyers don't want to pay $15.00 for shipping and handling and then see on the postage label that it only cost you $3.85 for shipping.
-NEVER put the starting price lower than what you can afford to lose by selling it! You need to consider the fees eBay, Paypal (if you offer a PayPal payment) and shipping. It is entirely possible to lose money on an item if you put a starting price that is too low for you to at least break even if only one person bids on it.
-Be careful of selling overseas. Most items are perfectly fine, and can increase your bidding pool. However, what may be perfectly legal in the US may be illegal in New Zealand, Turkey, or Japan (or vice versa).
-If an item is worth a large amount, you may want to take into consideration using a reserve price. This can prevent financial loss. This may, however discourage buyers on bidding or purchasing your product. I do not recommend to ever use reserve price, because why keep your buyers guessing at the minimu price of the item. What I highly recommend is starting bid or purchase price at a minimum of what you want for the item.
-Do not ever make the following statement on your listing: "I will not be held responsible for any item that does not have insurance, after I have shipped the item." The plain fact is that you (the seller) are responsible for the item that you sell to get to your buyer in the condition advertised, regardless weather the item has insurance or not. If your item sells for a fairly high price, you may want to pay for the insurance yourself. But, always advertise on your listings that insurance is available to your buyer. Sometimes, they may purchase the insurance for you.
Hope you'll find the instructions above useful and have fun selling on eBay