Hello, around 4 months ago I bought a brand new touch screen laptop. I was happy with it until one day I accidentally broke the layer of touchglass underneath the screen by picking it up. I decided it would be cheaper to go to a computer repair company, as the supplier were going to charge just for looking at it. Eventually I chose a business in the centre of Birmingham (where I study at university). I told them the details and sent it off for them to examine and fix, they told me it may take up to 4 days. After 4 days of not hearing anything I rang up and asked them what was happening, they responded telling me that upon inspection something else had broken, and they needed more time to secure a part for the best price. I allowed them to carry on with their work, however after another week of not hearing anything I called up again, once again they explained they were looking for a part for the best price. Finally a few days later I got sick of them holding on to my laptop and not doing anything, so asked to just have it back and I would give it to someone else to fix, as I was returning home for the weekend. I called up and told them I was coming to pick it up and they said that was fine, but there was going to be a £50 diagnostic fee. At this point I was so desperate to get the laptop back I agreed to pay for fee. However, once I got there and looked at my laptop, I discovered they had broken it further! They had literally shattered the glass screen while trying to take it off. At first they tried to blame me saying that is how they got it, however I showed them that I had photos which I had taken of the damage before hand. They then changed their story to say it must have been dropped while it was being fixed. I then asked them what was going to happen and the technician was very sketchy and simply said his manager would have to sort it out. After waiting for the manager to arrive I complained to him. After speaking to the manager he revealed that a different technician broke the laptop while examining it, and that the hope of them finding a "new part" was never an option, instead an excuse for while they thought of what to say to me. He said he would not charge me the £50 and that we would leave it. I left after having them sign the receipt saying they had cracked the screen.
As a student, until recently I have been very busy, so I did not have time to deal with the problem. However, around 3 weeks ago I called up asking to speak to the manager about getting compensation for the laptop (as I had to buy a brand new one). I was willing to negotiate at this point. However, after 3 weeks of continuously calling up and being told "The manager is busy, I will have to get him to call you later, what is your contact details again?" every day I have decided to follow on the advice of others and simply go to trading standards about the company. Do you think I have a solid case to do so with? Cheers, Jack.