Anyone have a profitable home business? I'm wondering if starting a home business would be a good idea.?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Anyone have a profitable home business? I'm wondering if starting a home business would be a good idea.?
Seventeen answers:
2008-03-23 14:35:08 UTC
Having a home based business is great! You need to find something that you beleive in and sale a product that everyone needs! I suggest you do start your own home based business. The income opportunity is incredible. Most home based business cost under $500. Some cost more depending on what it is you want to do. I don't know what you like to do, so I can only tell you what my husband and I started over six years ago and point you out to some others to take a look at. Ours well supports our family of six. We have four children ages 10, 6, 3 and 1.

We got involved in the telecommunications industry.

With a world wide company that's over 15 years old. We've been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 rated us the 22nd fastest growing company. They offer services that people use every day and pay for anyway, but now they can have a lower cost. Services such as local and long distance phones, Internet, digital phones, video phones (you can see the person your taking to live)VOIP, Satallite tv, and all the major cellular phone companies like Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Alltell, Nextell etc. have partnered up with them too.

How many people do you know, or know of, that uses or has one or more of these services? How would you feel if you could save people money on services that they're most likely already using, if not you can offer them the service, and everytime they pay their bills each month, you make a percentage off these bills every single month. Huge income opportunity. It's incredible how much money is involved in this industry.

If you'd like more information feel free to email me and I'll be happy to pass it along to you.

I also created a blog on my 360 page on home based business's. There's over half a dozen different ones to take a look at. Your more then welcome to browse through them. If you find one that's interesting, contact the person who wrote it and they can point you out in the right direction.

Tiffany !
2008-03-24 04:02:32 UTC
You can start your own Wholesale Distribution Business. "How to Start a Wholesale Distribution Business From Home" is a book which will guide you how to make money in wholesale distribution. It will guide you what to buy, where to buy it, and how to start your business. You'll find the book at:
2008-03-23 06:52:54 UTC
Starting a home based business is definitely a good idea. With our economy as it is now and no real job security, starting a home based business allows you the opportunity to generate your own income and to be your own boss. Yes, you will have to work hard and some long hours but once your business is profitable you will realize that all the hard work was worth it.

To have a profitable business, you need to have a product or service that everyone needs and needs to have it every month. This will ensure that your business will be making money every month. Yes, it will be slow at the beginning to get customers to purchase your product or service, but if you ensure that your customers are happy customers, your business will grow as people tell others about your business.

Also, once you decide to start your business, there is no turning back. So make sure that this is really what you want to do and that you are ready to commit yourself to working and growing your business.

My husband and I started our first home based business a year ago when my husband loss his job and we now have over 100 customers and getting new customers every week. As a result, a few months ago we started a second home based business and looking forward to achieving the same level of sucess that we have in our first business. Why do we do this because we have a goal we want to reach and that is to generate our own income and for both of us to work from home full time.

I would love to share with you about our second home based business. Our products do include candies, personal items and products that everyone uses everyday. In addition, we have a support team that would be able to help you get started and provide you with ongoing support as you grow your business. As a a bonus, I would make myself available to mentor you to help you get started the right way, teach you about advertising online and offline and how to ensure that you have happy customers.

Contact us @
Marty B
2008-03-22 21:18:36 UTC
I'm actually working right now on writing a free report that will provide 20 home-based businesses to start for under $100. I will be listing at least 5 home-based business that can be started for FREE. All the businesses I will be listing are 100% legit. I desided to write this report as I know many people who are wanting to start a business of their own, but don't have the funds and I know what it was like when I was starting out in business, so I wanted to do something to help other get started in their own business and maybe makes some new contacts and friends. If your interested in getting my report just email me at: and put Free Report in the subject and I will email it to you once it's done.

I hope this helps!

2008-03-22 20:04:47 UTC
This one is great because customers call you. Sell your products online and though infomercial sales. Great fairly new program:
autumn leaf
2008-03-22 19:53:56 UTC
That's a great idea. If you should need other unique ideas, email me and I will send you a link to an awesome website.
2008-03-22 18:45:41 UTC
I do in fact have a profitable home biz, but I have to WORK's definitely not a internet scam or get rich quick scheme. I would love to give you more info - the products are absolutely wonderful. They are non-toxic, so if you are concerned about the environment, this is something you might want to check out. Visit my website at

or send me an email.
2008-03-22 18:10:37 UTC
2008-03-22 17:48:57 UTC
Try SFI, I Started A while ago and I was skepical at first, but what made me comfortable was the fact that it was free to join, and very easy, if you're dedicated, to make money.

When I got my first check I was amazed! I actually got paid from an online company and it wasn't a scam! check em out
Katie B
2008-03-25 10:43:40 UTC
I have had great success with lia sophia jewelry. It is a home party business, so we go to parties, set out a jewelry display, answer some questions, write up orders and get paid! The initial investment is very low (only $150) and we typically make that back as soon as we hold our first party. We have a great support system with free training. Of course we get tons of free jewelry as well as a generous 30% commission. We have a party sales average of $750 so a few parties a week is a nice income. We also get great rewards from the company. I am leaving next month for a free trip to Hawaii with a bunch of my friends who also won! After eight years of owning a "real business" a franchise with rent, employees, and hundreds of regular customers, I sold it to do this instead. I make more money, set my own hours and have unlimited income potential. My personal website has other details. Feel free to check it out.
2008-03-22 17:37:10 UTC
Any business can be profitable if you really work hard at it.

My wife and I started our home based food delivery business about five years ago when the company I worked for went bust. I was tough the first year, but we worked hard at it. This is a pure brick and mortar biz, where customers have found us because of our own marketing and word of mouth.

Besides running our catering biz, I also manage a couple of websites that bring in a nice sum of money each month. In fact, I have just launched an online store selling apparel. Despite our plates being full, I still managed to get the store up and running because we follow one simple principle :

- Do something you love and everyday will be like being paid to enjoy. Do something you hate and everyday will be like entering the gates of hell.

In other words, build a business around something you love. My wife is passionate about cooking. I'm not, but I am a good worker in the kitchen and I've perfected my cutting, chopping, slicing and dicing skills. But the catering biz is built around my wife's passion for cooking and it's grown because she just soak's up the pressure and learns new stuff everyday because she absolutely loves cooking!

I've managed to set up and run a total of six websites despite our seeming TOTAL lack of free time because my online business is built around my passion for computers, the Internet, and graphic design.

So... go if you've done your homework and you know what you're getting into, go ahead an jump into your home business, heart, mind and soul. Work at it with all your heart!

I know you will succeed!

Ron B
2008-03-22 17:46:33 UTC
Yes there are a lot of them out there. You have to do a lot of research and checking before you jump right in.

Find a company that has been around for a long time. Ask questions before giving out your personal information.

Don't expect to get rich quick, that just don't happen. You will have to spend a lot of money advertising your products, and the return on your money will be a slow process. You will have to invest a lot of time as well.

If someone tells you that you don't have to sell anything they are wrong, you will have to sell yourself and your products. If you can't sell yourself to others you will have a hard time. Do you make friends easy? Do your friends and family trust and respect you? Will your family support your Business?

I have my own home based business and if you would like some information to see if this would be something you would be interested in send me an e-mail to

Thanks Ron
2008-03-22 18:00:52 UTC
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2008-03-22 17:24:07 UTC
In the end the trick to whatever you choose to do will be exposure. How on earth will you let everyone know what it is you are offering? The only venue for this that is affordable and credible is ebay. You can reach the entire world. Your goal, then, would be to create a niche, something unique that isn't oversaturated on the market. One easy way to start a home business is to scour thrift shops and find things that are underpriced, and sell them on ebay. There is an Ebay For Dummies book that might be very helpful to you. I buy and sell high-end furniture, because that is my passion; find yours, and make money doing it.
2008-03-24 05:07:13 UTC
hi dear ,

I too have said those words.During my first 2 years as a struggling home

business entrepreneur dreaming of making money and leading a free lifestyle,

I made many mistakes.

Some of those mistakes cost me money...

Others caused me heartache...

But I have also made a handful of good decisions too, and at the top of that

list is my decision to become a member of the IAHBE.

The IAHBE ( stands for

International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs. In one sentence,

it is simply:

"An Online University with a collection of the best home business

information, reports, articles, seminars and other content put under one


Being an exclusive paid membership resource, I was very half-hearted at

first at the thought of spending a good $29 for something as intangible as

"information". As I once asked myself, many people now ask me this question:

"Can't I get this information for FREE on the Internet?

So why do I need to pay for it?"

I have to admit that this is a valid question. And I have to agree that you

CAN find similar (but not exact) information for free, scattered around the

Internet. So why choose the IAHBE? How can it help you?

Let me tell you my personal experience first..

As a budding home business entrepreneur, my survival depended on how well I

controlled my meager finances and small capital. And yet, every business

owner knows the costs associated when starting your business. For example, I

had to spend on:

a) My personal growth - books, ebooks, reports

b) Advertising - ezine ads, PPC, leads and print media ads

c) Operations - PC software, productivity tools

I had, at that time, spent close to $3000 just getting started. Most that

was spent on useless website traffic schemes, so called "targeted" home

business leads, books, software and PPC advertising.

But in my second month as a member of the IAHBE, I realized that I actually

have hundreds of unused coupons, discounts and special offers for the same

products and services that I paid the full price for elsewhere.

How can the

IAHBE do this?

It's a question of simple economics:

"What you cannot achieve as an individual, you can easily achieve as a


Since the IAHBE has thousands of members, they can easily negotiate for

special bulk discounts, free trials, and even free gifts from various

suppliers, manufacturers and retailers.

Now ask this question for your self

"Do you want to spend time finding information, or do you want to spend time

building a business?"

The reason is this;

If you're perfectly happy running around chasing information, instead of

actually building a business, you don't need the IAHBE. If you want to learn

only from truly successful people, and get the information delivered to your

doorstep, there is no smarter choice.

After all, it only costs you around a dollar a day. Heck, even useless

'lifestyle' magazines cost more :)

Take it form a guy who learned the hard way...

Take it from a guy who is a member and 100% believer in the IAHBE, and how it can change your life.

This is a popular saying, and I want you to understand it's meaning:

"When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Will Appear"

In the story of my life as an entrepreneur, the teacher did appear indeed, but only after I was ready; only after I DECIDED that I was going to succeed, no matter what the cost, and no matter how long it took...

And I found not one, not two, but dozens of teachers, all of them experts in their own chosen field.

So the question is really this : Are YOU Ready?

* Are you ready to get serious in your home based business?

* Are you ready to stop wasting time and money?

* Are you ready to get REAL home business advice from REAL experts?

If you are, then the IAHBE will change your life too. Trust me on this...

hey, did i told you......

Just for trying the IAHBE, you'll also get $1,000 in free tools and resources that can get your business up and running as smooth as a well-oiled machine. Even if you decide the IAHBE is not for you, you can keep these free tools and put them to work in your business right away!

you can cancel anytime within 30 days if you feel you don't need this membership. If that is not fair, I don't know what is! Sign up now!
Rosie M
2008-03-22 19:49:59 UTC

It would really depend on what you are good at. Its no point selling antiques if you know nothing about them, selling food if you can't cook (or have access to a cook) and so on.

Depending on your skills you could do anything from selling a product to selling a service. A service could be administrative support (like a Virtual Assistant) or connecting people to people (businesses to service providers) or phone answering etc.

If you dont have service skills, you may think about selling a product.

No matter what you chose you will need to determine why that service/product is needed and by who so you know who to market to. You must be self motivated, dedicated and passionate to work for yourself and to work from home.

Good luck!

Rosie Murphy

Virtually Yours Virtual Assistant
2008-03-22 18:32:26 UTC
Ways to make money online.

sell stuff on ebay

The best dropshipper

www.worldwidebrands.url-go. com

Get paid to blog

The best site for get paid to blog

www.payperpost.url-site. com

Data entry jobs

The best site for data entry jobs

www.surveyscout.url-site. com

hope I help you.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.