2017-03-08 19:02:09 UTC
So firstly I want to know approximately how much money one needs to invest in a small clothing company like this. High quality clothes, more info below.
Secondly, what do I do? Of course I design shirts, hoodies etc. , but I need to register this company as a company in the country I think... and then where do I go to produce these custom shirts? Big brands have their own factories but I don't... I want a premium clothing brand so high quality is really important for me. The products would be also more expensive, because if I start selling cheap the brand wouldn't be appreciated as much and I wouldn't be able to raise prices.
Thirdly, I make a nice web store, I can already do that, but how do I do the logistics? What woud I need to keep track of (everything I guess) and how do I keep track of everything? Also, is there something else I don't know about, that's important and I didn't ask?
If this dream ever happens to be reality, at first I would do everything myself until (hopefully) sales grow and I can afford additional help.