Here's what I suggest....
1. Determine the main focus of the website: Advertising, info exchange, customer relations, etc.
2. Create a list of things you want the website to offer: Contact info, company info, customer experience, pricing, resume's, feedback forms, etc.
3. Decide on a 'look' for your website. Do want it to be funny, professional, artistic, informational, techicnical, etc.
4. In a spiral notebook... draw out, in 'big block' form, what you want your website to look like. Make a new page for each 'website' page you want to have. Name these pages and then associate them to the referring pages.
5. Decide on a domain name. I would suggest you purchase your domain name instead of using something like GeoCities with your name appended to it. Remember you want to give the impression your a full time, strong business... not just something someone threw up to rip people off with.
6. Decide on a Host provider. I suggest you look strongly at NetSolutions.
7. Decide if you want to create your on website or enlist the help of a friend with web experience or hire it out completely.
8. Build the website.
9. Start advertising your business with your website and start promoting your website in your advertisments and business cards.
10. Make lots of money!
Hope this helps. I have built several website and more specifically one for my Wife's faux painting business. See the source sites listed below for examples. If your in the Houston / Spring area, maybe I can help you with your site and you can help me with some electrical work I need done!
Good luck!