2011-10-21 14:03:51 UTC
I'm Managing Director of our Young Enterprise team we're currently running and we have some questions. We would be extremely grateful for any ages/genders etc to answer.
1. For fund-raising, we were thinking of bag packing in supermarkets but we've rang up many and there has been a long waiting list for all. So my question is - What supermarkets are best to target to hopefully have a bag packing opportunity sooner and also, is there any other shops to target (not just supermarkets) for example, big stores like Ikea?
2. One place we will be selling at is the German Markets - If you were going to a christmas market, what sort of things would you buy? Would you buy, for example, homemade christmas cards, or maybe cute class figurines, maybe something else?
3. We have some ideas already so for this question, all we would like is opinions please!
We were thinking of our unique selling point being that we're eco-friendly. We could have different branches off this, like homemade soaps and bath products among other things. Would they sell all year round? Would you buy them? Who for, you or as a present? Do you like the idea of our USP being eco-friendly? Any other general comments?
4. Do you have any overall business ideas for us? We do have our own but this is all part of market research I suppose. It doesn't have to be limited to a product necessarily, it could also be a service or something? One thing to remember is that we do have limited funds as we have to raise them ourselves. Another limitation is the fact that because of health and safety issues, we cannot make our own food and drink. But that's about it really! Any ideas at all would be fantastic!
Thank you in advance!