You asked for help... Heres some help.
The text above the first page white block looks a little sloppy almost like open source at first. Would probably look better on the white black aligned up right.
Move the video accorss to the middle of the block.
Actually loose the silly video it does nothing for your site. if sponsorship add a link.
Bit of music in the background may help.
Maybe sexy male or female model whereing your products. So we can be like her or him or get somone like that with your products.
Having to scroll down on the first place is a bit sloppy... Try and make the opening page one page, and get rid of those products down below unless on a whole first page no scrolling.
Maybe lists both sides... Guys one side, girls the other.
Maybe picture links /icons instead of a list.
Make the top line on the white box
Wecome to Miss Tees Bagan house... One Star Then below that the Paypal to contact stuff all on screen if space a few products on specail offer.
With products maybe show the back as well.
Picked out your 100% Rockwear sleep cami... but girl you got that upside down...
Welcom bit and description looks professional but you don't see it as too low so drop the silly Ebay bit the the bottom and move the welcome bit tho the top. With the datail... And Please dont decapitate the hot models.
Seriously... black line down from the top... Ebay bit on a different page
Loose that deja vu box
Put the for other items idectly under the description bit.
Loose the second model pic or put a returnable link to see the big version of the model...
The long scoall down page you have os all over the place and messy... you have a good section in the camo box...
That should be on 3 pages all that stuff at least... Put the sexsy stuff first... that boreing accounts stuff late and sponsorship in a strip.
The boys pages are bettwe... Not so long scrolling down
More modelling less on the iten on the floor pics
As said back too please
But clicked on the trainers... whats wtih putting crap first... Put that grey and flamey section first
boring stuff second...
The health and beauty section looks more professional
But when you click a procut again all wrong order.
With the camera eventually get to the specs... Good also list ALL the spects...
Seriously instead of having long scroll down pages have more pages
Think like a book ... you want a flip pad, not one with pages 6 foot long
With the camera section how about a forum for photogrpahers with tips.
Likewise make up tips and hair tips etc... Showing how you can use the products...
Like say if you had ice spiker... how to do punky spikes...
Actually stock
Joicos ice spiker... for punky clubber looks...
And look for stargazer
the hair spray glows in uv light and goes well with ice spiker...