I fired a Realtor that has worked for my company for several years after finding out she has been stealing our clients and referring them to another Real Estate company for the last few months, I found out when I saw a website showing she was working for another Broker while working out of my office and still holding her license with my Broker.She has Always been a top agent and has been rewarded for her hard work.This agent was always bringing in 15 plus deals a month until Jan 2009, then she dropped to 5 deals only per month during our busiest times in the office while other agents were producing more deals . The agent was busy showing Real Estate every day since Jan. I started to check out her work in our system to see why and found emails to our clients referring them to Real Estate properties under another companies name, after this everything seemed to be easy to find,emails, searches sent under the other companies name etc.... I have filed a complaint with the dept of Real Estate who told me if I pursue she will lose her license.I had decided to just let her go and try to forget about the stealing our clients using my company as a source of leads to refer to her other company she has been working for without my knowledge,Today I found out the agent is contacting all the locations I have contracts with soliciting them to work with her new company( the 1 she has been working for while working fo us) this is very upsetting to me , because of our companies relationship is the only way they know this agent........what can I do ??