Get a copy of Business Opportunity magazine at the drugstore"s magazine section.
In it you'll see all kinds of small business set ups and work from home.
See if you can get some back issues that devote the entire magazine to home base and businesses you can start from under $500.
Also take some time to think about a niche. You are an expert in something so share it.
Think about what people need but don't like to do and you do it.
Example: Clean a garage or basement and sale everything the owner doesn't want at a flea market.
Maybe go to restaurants, offer to supply their place-mats for free. How does this work?
Go to businesses near the restaurants and get their business card. Collect 10.
Go to the printer with the cards and copy them on a place-mat with the restaurant's name as the headliner (logo). 10 or more should fit.
Charge the businesses $10 per/mo. to be on the place-mat.
Tell the restaurant you'll supply their place-mats for free and show them the place-mat with their headliner (logo) and copy's of the business cards on the place-mat.
When customers are waiting for their food, they read the place-mat.
If a business is attractive to the customer they will ask for another place-mat to take home.
1 restaurant = $100 per/mo.
5 restaurants= $500 per?mo.
10 restaurants= $1000per/mo.
This is great for kids. Who will turn down a kid? or Seniors
Good luck,